Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tim Burns the Rhino.

Either Tim Burns doesn’t care about Republican causes or even worse, he’s just a RINO.

Tim Burns doesn’t vote consistently. If he can’t show up in crucial elections for our Republican candidates, he shouldn’t expect Republicans to show up for him. According to official records, Tim Burns didn’t vote in the 2000 Presidential election (Bush v. Gore), the 2002 General election (Rendell v. Fisher), or the 2004 Republican primary (Specter v. Toomey).

Tim Burns isn’t 100% committed to protecting life. In an interview with a conservative radio show, Burns said he wasn’t sure if he’d support a Constitutional Amendment that clearly says life begins at conception. Listen to the interview here:

Tim Burns hasn’t ever been there for our Republican candidates. The multi-millionaire has opened up his pocketbook for all but 1 Republican candidate over the years when he gave a measly $1,000 to Rick Santorum in 2006. Where was he for the countless other Republican candidates we’ve all been working our tails off for so many years now?


    If you're going to smear a good man, at least have the decency to spell your words correctly. I don't expect you to know what a real RINO is if you can't differentiate it from an animal.

    The Russell campaign has been busy for months now smearing and using leftist, liberal tactics against a good, hard-working man.
    1. You know as well as we do that Burns' business required him to travel extensively. Yet you choose to paiont his absence as apathy. Shame on you for knowing the truth and printing a lie.
    2. Burns says right on his website he's not a politician, bur decided to run after reading the federal budget report of 2008. You deride him for not being political enough to donate to candidates, yet try to paint yourself, Russell, as the anti-political sage. Interesting that you don't report Russell's donations to other candidates, nor do you report how much Russell pays his campaign manager, who just happens to be running for office. I wonder how all those clueless donors across the country who donated to Russell would feel if they knew their dollars were being funneled into another, separate race - Luksik's. Imagine all those Russell donors being told their Russell dollars were becoming Luksis campaign dollars.

    So, you want to smear Burns, at least admit you're not pure as the wind-driven snow yourself, Russell. And do you really think you were being cute by your performance the other night, where Burns graciously said he'd campaign for you, but you were asked THREE times if you'd campaign for him in the special, and you refused to answer. "I wish him well" is not nearly as classy as Burns' response to the question. Know what that tells us? It tells us you're a small, pathetic man with a weak and spiteful character. One who I would NEVER wish to see in congress.

    If you make these poor judgments now, just think how poor your judgment will be in DC, when you're surrounded by people who will be even shadier than your fundraising group. For you to deny they're shady is yet ANOTHER example of poor judgment and discernment on your part.

    So go ahead, Russell, try to smear Burns. Have your people spread their lies. You are answerable before God for the lies you tell and allow to be told. And I know you've spread them yourself. You bring no honor to this area wioth the way you act. And residents will NOT forget you're an outsider.

    Another judgment question:
    If you were serious about beating Murtha last time you ran, why woouldnm't you pick a campaign manager who actually had won a race, or knew how to win a race? Why wouldn't you accept help from a campaign manager who knew the correct way to run a national race? Why pick Luksik and pay her and her family members? Luksik has made a career out of failed office runs. Why is that? Cause there is money to be made in sucking up people's donations every year. You guys don't fool anybody.


    How pitiful that you call yourself a "conservative" but instruct your supporters to blast at a fellow American who worked hard to make his small business a success. Real conservatives don't use the class warfare card. How interesting that you do, and how very telling. Is that jealousy from you or from your supporters, or from both. Are you mad because Uncle Sam didn't spread what Burns EARNED into your pockets? It appears you and your minions are closet liberals, because only liberals denigrate someone for achieving the American Dream. And you have the audacity to instruct them on what to say, too. All their comments are the same talking points YOU'VE given them, Russell. Shame on you. How can you look yourself in the mirror?

  3. Our country's servicemen and women travel all over the world, yet they show there civic responsibility by voting by absentee ballot. Burns uses the lame excuse that he was traveling and too busy to vote.
