Friday, April 30, 2010

Bill Russell. Standing Alone Again.

Russell calls on the Secretary of the Navy to denounce the naming of the ship USS Murtha.

Read story here:

What is Burns' position on this?

The ads are trying to portray Burns as a widower with his two sons. We have learned that Burns' ex-wife has custody of the two children. Burns needs to end the hypocrisy.

Bill Russell is a good family man. He doesn't need to do any play acting about his family life.

Bill Russell Needs No Chauffeur

Bill Russell has stood up to his own party leadership. He is his own man and would vote what would be in the interest of the voters of the 12th District not Chairman Gleason’s. Chairman Gleason has been the chauffeur for Tim Burns. Bill Russell can drive his own car.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Burns "hangs with" state Chairman Rob Gleason.

Chairman Rob Gleason who appointed Burns is linked to Kuchera Industries. Kuchera Industries was raided by the FBI and was investigated by the Federal Elections Commission. And this from Mr. Gleason’s brochure for his companies, Gleason Insurance, Gleason Financial, and Gleason Technology:

“We have been able to build our business, knowing Gleason is looking out for all of our insurance needs.”

Ronald Kuchera, Chief Financial Officer
Kuchera Industries

Bill Russell doesn't "hang with" the establishment or country clubbers. Bill Russell is his own man.

Worth Repeating

Sometimes as in the case of Burns, the same message is worth repeating when it benefits the voters of the 12th District. Last week readers began knowing of Burns' alleged extra-narital affairs swirling about the blogosphire. Subsequently we learned that Burns’ divorce was sealed by the court. We have also learned from the court that this procedure is extremely unorthodox. Something was amiss here. We have challenged Burns to be forthcoming about these allegations. To date, the answers that Burns owes the voters of the 12th District have not come. Mr. Burns where are your answers to these allegations. All we have seen is rhetoric and hyperbole. The 12th District doesn’t need another Mark Sanford. Unseal Burns! Unseal!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Burns' Corruption Ads

Less than 30 days until Election Day and Russell's opponent is running an ad about corruption.

Bill Russell has already been the leader in exposing corruption in the 12th District.
Our readers have been following what this blog has written about Burns' establishment friends like Chairman Gleason.

Gleason who appointed Burns is linked to Kuchera Industries. Kuchera Industries was raided by the FBI and was investigated by the Federal Elections Commission. And this from Mr. Gleason’s brochure for his companies, Gleason Insurance, Gleason Financial, and Gleason Technology:

“We have been able to build our business, knowing Gleason is looking out for all of our insurance needs.”

Ronald Kuchera, Chief Financial Officer
Kuchera Industries

And our reader have been following the allegations swirling about the blogosphire that Burns had extramarital affairs and has requested that the court seal his divorce. Unseal Burns! Unseal!.

People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

Do We Have A Tiger Burns By It's Tail.

Information has it that Burns had his divorce records sealed. Conservative voters of the 12th district requests that all sealed documents in Burns' divorce be made public or explained why any alleged injury outweighs the right of the voters of the 12th District to know what is contained in the divorce case. Burns should unseal the divorce documents filed. We don't need another Mark Sanford representing the 12th. We don't need voters remorse.

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Truth Shall Set You Free Burns.

We have searched Burns divorce records and found that the court has sealed Understandably, some people like to keep their private lives separate from their public lives. But we don't want a repeat of a Sanford, or John Edwards or even Newt Gingrich. Come clean Burns. We don't want any voters remorse in the 12th District.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Here We Go Again! Its the Amateur Hour.

We visited the Tim Burns for Congress web site today and received the following message:

Warning - visiting this web site may harm your computer!

Apparently Burn's website crashed as the hosting company was sleeping on the job.

If Burns can't manage his campaign how can we expect him to manage the 12th congressional district.


Tim Burns is, obviously, the candidate of the Republican Establishment Leadership, including Specter Republican Rob Gleason; Bill Russell has always been “independent of the Republican Establishment”; when Bill Russell came to Pennsylvania, literally, knowing no one in Pennsylvania, he acted out of conviction that he needed to challenge John Murtha’s unsubstantiated, unproven and untrue slur on our Marines in combat at Haditha. Bill moved his family to Pennsylvania to continue the challenge, independent of the party at all times. I recall meeting Bill for the first time at a restaurant on Delaware Avenue in Philadelphia and his eyes hardened and jaw tightened when he explained that he was coming to Penna. to challenge Jack Murtha because of his slur against those combat Marines who were fighting Islamist fanaticism and violence. Bill Russell has been in ‘hostile fire zones’, too.

Where was Republican Establishment Leadership then? Or Tim Burns? Or Greg Whitestone or EagleForum? Only Bill Russell took on the impossible mission and laid the ground work for the challenge in 2010. Had Bill Russell not led, John Murtha’s record would not have been as well known.

Tim Burns is a good man, a man of great business accomplishment, superior intelligence [probably smarter than I am, certainly more successful], of unquestioned good will and decency, active in his community. Tim and Bill share a view of Constitutional Limited Government, Free Markets for Free People and Free Minds, and Individual Responsibility mandated by Judaeo-Christian traditional values. Both Bill Russell and Tim Burns will make a good Representative for the 12th District.
Tim Burns, however, NOT INDEPENDENT OF REPUBLICAN ESTABLISHMENT LEADERSHIP and, at this time, in this election, that makes are the difference.

Bill Russell’s commitment is to his values and Constitutional principles and to the voters who elect him, not to Republican leadership. All the difference in the world. Pennsylvania leadership is comprised, almost exclusively, of people getting rich form government. Arlen Specter and his Earmarks sustained this leadership for years and years until they were of no more use to him. “Getting Rich from Government” – those who profit from government have a personal, selfish interest in growing government.

Bill Russell is closely allied with Peg Luksik, who is unshakable in her principles, and who, also, is “Independent of Republican Leadership” and I am proud to say I introduced Bill to Peg in Johnstown in 2008, just before the primary. “Independence and commitment”.

Newt Gingrich is not the avatar of independence, free markets, limited government that he pretends to be. Unlike Bill Russell, Newt Gingrich is a political opportunist and does not hide it. and Golf? For goodness sake, American Freedom is challenged by government takeover of productive businesses, home mortgage finance, college lending, car companies, AIG, - government ownership and control of means of finance and means of production and people who call themselves

Serious are playing a game? Celebrating the memory of the slaughter of 22,000 Polish patriots at Katyn Forest by Soviet Totalitarians, as Bill and Kasia did, is appropriate. Not a Golf Game.

This is not the year for fun politics, and “business as usual” politics. Independence and commitment to the Constitution are the core of American Freedom and Bill Russell personifies those values. Bill is a leader, not a follower.

And it is well to remember that there is a Contract with America. It is called the Constitution. Bill Russell is one of the few candidates who has, actually, taken an oath to defend our Constitution of individual freedom.

I have met Tim Burns and know many of the people who support him, good Americans, but as I think about it, “independence” of Republican Leadership is the paramount issue if our country is to find its freedoms and individual independence again.

The truth may, or may not, set your free. It does not seem to make one many friends.

Bob Guzzardi, Ardmore, Penna 19003 (not authorized by any candidate or candidate’ committee)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Bill

Burns did a PCN interview it was pathetic. Burns: The PCN Interview-See Burns the ROBOT Thank God our candidate Col. Russell is a man with real Passion, who speaks for us. Bill has the Passion to win a regime change in Washington. Enough of these RINOS with their talking points! Happy Birthday Bill

Burns Should Answer To Allegations of Having Extramarital Affairs

Burns is campaigning on family values issues. Allegations of Burns extramarital affairs have been swirling about the blogosphire. Shouldn't there be inquiries made into the veracity of these allegations. Does anyone have any information about these allegations?

Newt Gingrich a GOP icon who also campaigned on family value issues is in the 12th District for a fundraiser to benefit Burn's campaign. Gingrich has had his own extramarital scandals in his past.

Where are the family values of conservatives to follow if we are to use Burns as its example.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Russell's Needs Run His Own Poll.

The russell brigade is not getting any direction from their candidate Bill Russell. All these polls are confusing. They are not naming our candidate Bill Russell. We need to hear from Bill Russell. Bill Russell needs to do his own poll. Show us where you are in the polls Bill.

Russell Brigade: Call to Action

Russell Brigade: Come out and protest this event. Burns in no Gingrich, no Santorum. This is what you get when your let RINOS, PAY-RAISERS and COUNTRY CLUBBERS pick our candidates. We need a candidate from he shooting range not the driving range. Come to Latrobe with your Drivers and Putters and call out these Country Club Republicans for Burns. Drop the tea bag and pick up a golf club to show your anger. Support a candidate for real change: Lt.Colonel Bill Russell.

Real Change Is Needed

The best way to wish Bill a Happy Birthday is by taking a golf club and protesting those Country Club Republicans at the Burns fundraiser in Latrobe tomorrow night. Bring a stick for real change.

Rally with Russell & Rose

Rally with Russell & Rose

The political establishment doesn’t want you to mark your calendars – but do it anyway!

One Wednesday, April 21, join Pittsburgh 104.7 & XM RADIO personality Rose for a special campaign event with Lt. Col. Bill Russell (USAR ret).

Here are the details:

Rally with Russell & Rose
Wednesday, April 21 | 7pm
Laube Hall
Freeport Community Park, Freeport, PA

*Meet Rose from 6-8 PM.

This event is sponsored by Citizens for Constitutional Conservatives.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Burns Has Been Hitting Bogeys On His Campaign Tour.

Burns Has Been Hitting Bogeys On His Campaign Tour.

Bill Russell's birthday is April 24th. Russellbridgaders! Give Bill Russell and early birthday present. Leave your guns at home and bring your golf clubs to Burns' next tour stop on Thursday, April 22, at 6:30PM at DiSalvo's Station, 325 McKinley Ave, Latrobe, PA and raise your clubs in honor of Bill Russell.

Joining Burns is Newt Gingrich. Newt Gingrich is well-known as the architect of the "Contract with America" that led the Republican Party to victory in 1994 by capturing the majority in the U.S. House for the first time in forty years. After he was elected Speaker, he disrupted the status quo by moving power out of Washington and back to the American people. Under his leadership, Congress passed welfare reform, passed the first balanced budget in a generation, and passed the first tax cut in sixteen years. In addition, the Congress restored funding to strengthen our defense and intelligence capabilities, an action later lauded by the bipartisan 9/11 Commission.

Burns supports tax rate increases not tax cuts. Speaker Gingrich has been a contributor to the Republican Party and to the defense of our country. Burns is not even in the same league as Speaker Gingrich. Burns is a phony.

Burns hasn't ever been there for our Republican candidates. The multi-millionaire has opened up his pocketbook for only 1 Republican candidate over the years when he gave a measly $1,000 to Rick Santorum in 2006. Where was he for the countless other Republican candidates we've all been working our tails off for so many years now? Burns is a RINO.

Bill Russell is the real deal. He will stand alone. Not with Gleason. And he is a combat veteran.

Not Authorized by any candidate or candidates committee.


Could it be? Is Burns Pro-adultery too?

Could it be? Is Burns Pro-adultery too? If these accusations are true, should Burns drop out of the race and enter the same Mississippi clinic as Tigers Woods? IF the claims in the numerous postings are true, certainly they can be no surprise to Chairman Gleason. Does anyone have more information on the claims in these postings?

Monday, April 19, 2010

What you didnt know about Burns.

I was shocked to read the following on the Does anyone have anything further info on this?

Why isn't anyone talking about Tim Burns numerous extramarital affairs? The man was sleeping with his employees while running TechRx. He was married with two kids! It was an open secret! Everyone knew. I think that we conservatives deserve better than this adulterer. Shouldn't be in government if you can't stay faithful to your wife!

BY Concerned at TechRx on 04/16/2010 at 22:41

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Burns is lying about his support for the Fair Tax.

Burns is now saying that he supports a Fair Tax. On March 12, 2010, we reported that Tim Burns supported a new national sales tax! He supports a national sales tax of 23 percent on everything we purchase. But the new tax would actually be 34 percent for the federal government to take in the same amount of taxes it does today. Burns is a flip-flopper. This is RINOism at its best. Burns will say anything to get elected.

Don't we pay enough in federal taxes. We couldn’t afford Burn’s tax plan then and we can’t afford it now. We can't afford Tim Burns’ plan to create a new national sales tax!

Russell is not afraid of real change. He will create a fairer tax system. Russell supports a major overhaul of the tax system with the creation of a simpler, fairer, flatter option for taxpayers.

Vote for Bill Russell on May 18th. Russell is his own man. Not Gleason’s man.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Russell Blows Away Burns

Russell raised more money in the first quarter than his party backed opponent. Russell is the people's choice not the choice of the establishment and Gleason's country club members. Read the rest of the story here:

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Russell Is A True Tea Party Candidate.

Russell is a true Tea Party Candidate. Burns is just on a temporary bandwagon.
Russell is the real deal. Burns will do anything to get elected.

Burns is funded by the Republican party and has events for RINO Congressman and the establishment like Gleason. Burns is not trying to win the Tea Party vote.

Russell is reeling in small donations and has a massive grassroots movement? That’s a true tea party candidate.

Burns is a bandwagon candidate, so be careful. You don’t want to donate your hard earned money and give your time to volunteer for Burns who will completely forget the Tea Party and your principles once he is in office.

Russell is a true reformer. Russell will be his own man in Washington, not beholden to the party establishment and RINOS. Instead, Russell will be a strong voice and advocate for the people and values of the 12th District. Russell is a man of his word who can be trusted to do what is right for the 12th District and the nation.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Gleason Backs Steele

Stop this incompetent gang that led to the Pay raise backlash. Send these RINOS, Country club Republicans, Pay raisers and Phony's a message. Vote for Bill Russell. Reform in DC and Harrisburg begins in the 12th!!! When will we see Steele campaigning for Burns? Why doesn't this Gleason Burns gang just hand the election over to Critz?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Romney Ties Burns to Health Care

Does Romney’s endorsement of Burns mean BURNS endorsed RomneyCare which smells a lot like Obamacare? Pawlenty who has also endorsed Burns said, "the Massachusetts health law requires individuals carry health insurance. Pawlenty likens that law to the federal health care overhaul.

"Looking at the Massachusetts experience, it would not be one I would want the country to follow any further," Pawlenty said in New Hampshire last month.

How Much Is Gleason Into The Defense Industry For?

When will the Gleason/Burns campaign disclose how mush of Gleason's Inc's revenues comes from the defense contracting industry? Gleason is the King of Insurance for the defense contractors. Gleason is proud of the business he writes for the defense contractor. This from Mr. Gleason’s brochure for his companies, Gleason Insurance, Gleason Financial, and Gleason Technology:

“We have been able to build our business, knowing Gleason is looking out for all of our insurance needs.” Ronald Kuchera, Chief Financial Officer, Kuchera Industries

Kuchera Industries was raided by the FBI and was investigated by the Federal Elections

This is the people of the 12th District seat and Russell is the people's candidate.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Burns Is Out of Touch With the 12th District.

Burns Is Out of Touch With the 12th District.

Bill Russell, his Polish American wife Cashia and the Polish American community in the 12th District mourned the loss of president Lech Kaczynski and several other Polish officials in a tragic plane crash Saturday.

The Polish American community has a deep heritage in the 12th Congressional District. Across the 12th, Polish Americans also grieved the loss of as many as 22,000 military officials at the hands of the Joseph Stalin decades ago.

Burns was quick to release a statement following reports of the Upper Big Branch Mine Explosion in West Virginia. However, Burns has not released a statement on reports of the tragic plane crash in Poland that has saddened the Polish American community in the 12th District.

Burn is out-of-touch with the 12th District.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Another Week of Hypocracy For Burns

It was a busy week for Burns. He got another endorsement. This one from Bill Shuster, a guy who supported the pay raisers like Bob Jubelier. Then he followed up with a weak announcement about the West Virginia coal miner tragedy.

West Virginia’s miners have endured harsh, dangerous working conditions and times of plenty and downturns brought on by scarcity. Something that Burns has endured little of in his sheltered life. And they have literally fought battles to maintain their rights, and they have worked to provide the energy the nation needs. Burns has rode the backs of his workers to achieve his successes and wealth.

Miners work long, hard hours in order to find the coal needed to provide electricity for home and industry. Without their efforts, much of daily life in America would simply stop for lack of energy. Homes, businesses, hospitals and government services would literally be in the dark.

Much of this is not known by Burns. He knows more about country club caddies and country club bar tenders than coal miners. The West Virginia miners are heroes. Burns is a phony.

Russell is the guy for true reform. When is the Russell brigade going to strike back at the Burns campaign of hypocrisy?

Another Flip Flopper Endorses Burns

Perennial Presidential candidate Mitt Romney endorses Burns. Romney is an abortion flip flopper. Burns said he would not support a constitutional amendment to ban abortions. Is Burns really pro-life? Does Burns support flip flopping? Does Burns support Romney's MA universal health plan?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Burns! Pinhead or Patriot

Burns endorses a plan to raise middle class taxes, Burns also sold his company to get rich quick even though he knew it would lead to job loss in Western Pennsylvania.

Burns endorses the Republican plan to privatize Social Security that would have a devastating impact on seniors in Western Pennsylvania who are already struggling.

In 2002, Burns said he supported NDCHealth buying his company TechRx despite the fact that he knew it would lead to layoffs in Western Pennsylvania. [Pittsburgh Business Times, 5/31/02] (Pinhead)

• In a May 2009 interview on Front Lines Blog, Tim Burns stated his support for the regressive Fair Tax, even though it would only benefit those making over $200,000 a year. In Pennsylvania, middle income Pennsylvania families would see their taxes increase by $3,818 per year. The top one percent would see their taxes cut by $187,080 a year. [Front Lines Blog, 5/14/09; Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy;, 5/31/07;, 3/29/10] (Pinhead)

Burns is a Pinhead not a Patriot. Burns will vote along with Gleason and his country club establishment chums. He is out of touch with the voters of the 12th Congressional District.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Republican Tim Burns Campaigns with Social Security Privatization Advocate.

Republican Tim Burns Campaigns with Social Security Privatization Advocate.
Burns, Supporters Endorse Dangerous Plan that Would be Devastating for Western Pennsylvania Seniors

Out of touch Republican millionaire Tim Burns (PA-12) is once again going out of his way to prove that he is clueless when it comes to what’s best for Western Pennsylvania. This evening, Burns is campaigning with Congressman Bill Shuster, another out of touch Republican who supports a dangerous plan to privatize Social Security that would slash benefits and gamble the program on Wall Street. The Republicans support this plan despite the devastating impact that plan would have on seniors in Western Pennsylvania.

Millionaire Burns has already proven that he could care less about Western Pennsylvania; in addition to endorsing a plan to raise middle class taxes, Burns also sold his company to get rich quick even though he knew it would lead to job loss in Western Pennsylvania.

“Even though Western Pennsylvania didn’t need any more reasons to prove that Republican millionaire Tim Burns is grossly out of touch, here he comes with some more anyway,” said Shripal Shah, Regional Press Secretary for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. “The Republican plan to privatize Social Security that Burns and his supporters are backing would have a devastating impact on seniors in Western Pennsylvania who are already struggling. Burns’ failure to grasp how damaging his platform would be for Western Pennsylvania proves how clueless he really is when it comes to what’s best for the district.”


• Republican millionaire Tim Burns is campaigning with Congressman Bill Shuster in Johnstown this evening. [Daily American, 4/2/10]

• Shuster has long been a vocal supporter for the risky Republican plan to privatize Social Security. [Patriot News, 3/06/05; Associated Press, 4/28/01; Associated Press, 4/20/01; Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 5/08/01; USA Today, 5/15/01; Dallas Morning News, 5/7/01]

o Privatization would cut benefits. According to the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, “privatization is not a plan to save Social Security; it is a plan to dismantle Social Security. Privatization means increased retirement risks, severe cuts in Social Security benefits, and a multi-trillion dollar increase in the federal debt.

o “Privatization diverts money out of Social Security into individual accounts leaving an even larger solvency problem. Privatizers fill this funding gap by dramatically cutting Social Security benefits. They cover the rest by borrowing money, thereby increasing the debt burden on all taxpayers by trillions of dollars over the next half century. With market-based accounts, the risk of an adequate retirement is placed entirely on the individual.” [National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare website, accessed 4/6/10]

o Privatization would gamble social security on Wall Street. According to the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, “Privatization will replace Social Security's guaranteed defined benefits with individual investment accounts. In other words, privatization would take money out of Social Security and have workers invest instead in Wall Street.” [National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare website, accessed 4/6/10]

o The Century Foundation reports that privatizing Social Security would allow Wall Street to “reap windfalls from your taxes” because brokerage houses, banks, and mutual funds have been very active in the campaign to privatize Social Security” and “stand to gain enormous fees if billions of dollars are shifted each year from Social Security payments into accounts under Wall Street management.” [The Century Foundation’s Social Security Network, accessed 4/6/10]

• In 2002, Burns said he supported NDCHealth buying his company TechRx despite the fact that he knew it would lead to layoffs in Western Pennsylvania. [Pittsburgh Business Times, 5/31/02]

• In a May 2009 interview on Front Lines Blog, Tim Burns stated his support for the regressive Fair Tax, even though it would only benefit those making over $200,000 a year. In Pennsylvania, middle income Pennsylvania families would see their taxes increase by $3,818 per year. The top one percent would see their taxes cut by $187,080 a year. [Front Lines Blog, 5/14/09; Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy;, 5/31/07;, 3/29/10]

Monday, April 5, 2010

Burns' Hypocrisy

Why did Shuster take donations from this convicted felon? Why doesn’t Burns ask Shuster to return Kosher and Zanier donations and to ask Chairman Gleason to disclose his financial dealings with Kosher? Let’s end the hypocrisy.


Did Kuchera’s get an earmark from Shuster. See the video. Savor Burns' hypocrisy.

Go to the 2:50 mark on this You Tube video.

And in case there's any doubts, all verifiable from OpenSecrets
$12,300 from Kuchera's for Shuster's 2008 election.
Bill/Lena: $7,200
Ron/Lisa: $5,100

Wonder if Russell has the moxie to show up and disrupt the Republican establishment's scripted event.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Is This The Best Tim Burns Can Do? Tim Pawlenty?

Burns is endorsed by Tim Paulenty, Governor of Minnesota, a flip-flopper who now calls cap-and-trade a "disaster" three years after endorsing it. Will Burns be a flip-flopper.

This endorsement comes after the endorsement of Rob Gleason, PA GOP party chairman. Gleason is the King of Insurance for the defense contractors. Gleason is proud of the business he writes for the defense contractor. This from Mr. Gleason’s brochure for his companies, Gleason Insurance, Gleason Financial, and Gleason Technology:

“We have been able to build our business, knowing Gleason is looking out for all of our insurance needs.” Ronald Kuchera, Chief Financial Officer, Kuchera Industries

Kuchera Industries was raided by the FBI and was investigated by the Federal Elections Commission.

Quinn knows a phony when he sees one.

April 2, 2010, Tribune Democrat Letter to the Editor

— Although I am a fan of the Jim Quinn radio show based in Pittsburgh, I think Quinn has it all wrong.

He believes that the Republican committee made a mistake by endorsing Tim Burns over William Russell in the special election May 18 to fill the 12th district seat of now-deceased Congressman John Murtha.

I was fortunate enough to attend a town hall meeting in Indiana, where Burns and Russell spoke. (The Democrat declined an invitation to attend.) They both answered many excellent questions the same way.

However, I had a strong feeling that Russell (thank you for your service) is looking for a career job, which seems to be Washington as usual.

Burns, on the other hand, developed a software company that employed more than 400 people in private-sector jobs.

After selling his company, Burns worked with a nonprofit for special needs children. I don’t think he had envisioned running for office, but was compelled to do so, for his children and country.

He is pro-life, in favor of term limits, supports energy independence, is pro-Second Amendment, has strong conservative views and believes in the Constitution.

Burns also has been instrumental in organizing the first tea party in Washington County.

Burns has a very positive vision for the future of our district. Maybe Quinn will invite capitalist Burns to his radio show.

You can learn more about the candidate by going to

Amy Carney

Apollo, Armstrong County

This has all of the Russell's opponents campaign talking points. Quinn knows a phony when he sees one. That is why Quinn has stuck with Russell.

Burns is endorsed by Rob Gleason. Gleason is the King of Insurance for the defense contractors. Gleason is proud of the business he writes for the defense contractor. This from Mr. Gleason’s brochure for his companies, Gleason Insurance, Gleason Financial, and Gleason Technology:

“We have been able to build our business, knowing Gleason is looking out for all of our insurance needs.” Ronald Kuchera, Chief Financial Officer, Kuchera Industries

Kuchera Industries was raided by the FBI and was investigated by the Federal Elections Commission.