Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Gleason Covers Russell's Opponent
I got you covered Tim. Seems that not all Gleason covers. Gleason is the King of Insurance for the defense contractors. Gleason is proud of the business he writes for the defense contractor. This from Mr. Gleason’s brochure for his companies, Gleason Insurance, Gleason Financial, and Gleason Technology:
“We have been able to build our business, knowing Gleason is looking out for all of our insurance needs.” Ronald Kuchera, Chief Financial Officer, Kuchera Industries
Kuchera Industries was raided by the FBI and was investigated by the Federal Elections Commission.
Russell’s opponent is the pre-packaged chauffeur for Gleason. Gleason has been influence peddling for too long now. Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, how many pieces of silver will Gleason sell to betray the 12th District for.
We are going to lose this seat if Russell’s opponent is elected because of his connection with Gleason.
Russell is a warrior. Russell has had first-hand experience on some of the major issues of our time. Unlike his opponent, Russell is a combat veteran and has what it takes to make him an exemplary Congressman for all veterans. For his district, he will prove to be a fighter – like he’s always been.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tim Burns and his amateurs
Burns, if you really wanted to know what was going on at the seminar you should have asked your boss Gleason. After all Gleason is the insurance broker for most of the defense industry in Johnstown. What will Gleason do with LAM – Life After Murtha.
Bill Russell is a professional and understands the needs of the Johnstown defense industry. Russell would not have embarrassed the Republican Party as Burns’ amateurs have.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Gleason Doesnt Know the Difference Between a Winner From a Loser
Monday, March 22, 2010
Gleason Linked To Kuchera Industries
“We have been able to build our business, knowing Gleason is looking out for all of our insurance needs.”
Ronald Kuchera, Chief Financial Officer
Kuchera Industries
With Jack Murtha gone, how will Gleason use Tim Burns.
Was Gleason looking out for more than Kuchera's insurance needs.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
You're hired Tim Burns.

Boss PAGOP Rob Gleason had a job opening for a Congressman. Instead of asking the people who should fill the job, he filled it himself.
Democracy at work.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Lt. Col. William Russell (USAR) is the people's candidate.
-Original Message-----
From: Robert Gleason []
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 2:52 PM
Subject: Help Us Win the Murtha Seat
Dear Friend,
In less than 3 months, Pennsylvania will hold a special election to fill the Congressional seat held by the late Representative John Murtha. This is a key opportunity for the Republican Party to gain another seat in Congress and strengthen the buffer against Speaker Nancy Pelosi's far left agenda.
Congressman Murtha and I both hail from Johnstown and I can tell you firsthand how difficult it was to face him every two years. However, now that this is an open seat, our Party has a real chance to be victorious. Afterall, the 12th Congressional District is the only district in the country that voted for John Kerry in 2004 and voted for John McCain in 2008. It certainly is a changing district and one that I wholeheartedly believe the GOP can win!
The eyes of the nation will be on Pennsylvania. Much like the Massachusetts Senate seat formerly held by Ted Kennedy, Democrats have for too long acted as if the 12th District “belongs” to them. Winning this seat will send a message to the White House and Democrats everywhere that no seat in Congress is safe when our country is being run in such an irresponsible and reckless manner.
Our PAGOP staff was instrumental in securing the victory in Massachusetts that sent shockwaves throughout the nation. As many of you know, we sent a busload of professional staff and volunteers to the Bay state for the final few days to make phone calls, knock on doors and track voter turnout throughout Election Day. We now have an opportunity to repeat that success in our home state, and we MUST deliver!
Just as the victory in Massachusetts would not have been achieved without a quality candidate like Scott Brown, we have the right candidate to bring home a victory in the 12th. Our candidate, Tim Burns, is committed to working hard to bring his business acumen and commitment to limited government to Washington. We have the political climate working in our favor, an experienced staff, volunteers and the right plan of action to achieve victory on May 18th. We need Republicans to come out and support Tim Burns in the 12th just as we all rallied around Scott Brown in Massachusetts.
That’s why, as Chairman of the Republican Party of Pennsylvania, I am asking for your help in this special election that will take place on May 18th. Please consider contributing to the Republican Party of Pennsylvania. You can donate by going to or sending a check made payable to:
Republican Federal Committee of Pennsylvania
112 State St.
Harrisburg, Pa 17101
With Democrats across the nation ready to descend on Pennsylvania, your assistance could prove to be a difference maker in this crucial vote.
Please feel free to contact me with your questions or comments any time via email at or by phone at 717-234-4901.
Thank you for your time, and onward to victory!
With warm regards,
Rob Gleason Chris Gleason
Chairman Finance Chairman
Tim Burns didn't even vote in 2000, 2002 or 2004. Send Rob Gleason an email to or phone him at 717-234-4901. Tell him that you want the people's candidate Bill Russell not his candidate.
A message from Lt. Col. William Russell, (USAR)

I am pleased to join my friend, Gov. Mike Huckabee, who endorsed my candidacy in 2008, to help stop the takeover of our health care from the federal government. Please take a moment to read this personal message from Governor Huckabee, and then join with me in this effort to stop the liberals from destroying our country.
"President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid are doing everything in their power to push through a Health Care bill that would mandate federally funded abortions along with a host of other issues that the American people have clearly said they don't want. We can not sit back and allow this to happen. I am encouraging everyone to call their senators and representatives and as many more as you can and tell them that YOU want them to vote NO on this healthcare bill. Go to and get the contact information for every member of Congress, their DC and Local office's information is located there. Also, encourage your friends to do the same. We need everyone, this is too important to our country and our culture. Thank you for your help! " - Mike Huckabee
Please make the calls as soon as you's important.
Thanks for your help.
Best regards,
Bill Russell
Lt. Colonel (ret)
Candidate for Congress
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Tim Burns' Awkard Position
March 12, 2010 1:55 PM
By Reid Wilson
He's been the GOP nominee for all of a day, but already businessman Tim Burns (R) faces a delicate balancing act in the race to replace the late Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) -- one that could fatally compromise the GOP's chances of taking back a seat they might otherwise win.
Burns will face ex-Murtha aide Mark Critz (D) in the May 18 special election to fill the remainder of Murtha's term. But that same day, Burns will face a well-funded challenger from the right in the regularly-scheduled GOP primary.
That could force Burns into a dangerous dual game, at once appealing to moderate voters with talk of jobs and the economy while struggling not to turn them off if he's forced to appeal to a GOP base interested more in social issues. And for his part, '08 nominee William Russell (R) has little interest, or intention, of making Burns' path any easier.
Burns' choice, as some see it, could be between winning a special election while losing a primary, and appealing to the GOP base in order to win the primary while losing the special, a result that would leave him terminally weakened in advance of the Nov. elections.*
Hoping to avoid a backlash similar to that which divided the GOP in NY-23 last year, the PA GOP backed off initial plans to select a nominee through the state party, a plan Russell allies lambasted as tainted. Instead, delegates voted for Burns by a 2-1 margin in a conference procress -- a process Russell also slammed as illegitimate.
"The outcome was always a foregone conclusion. We knew they were going to ram this through and they did," one Russell advisor said. At the conclusion of the process, Russell said he would run in a primary.
The NRCC will back Burns, but the committee has not committed to spending money on his behalf for the special election. The NRCC has little money to spend, and party strategists see the big Dem voter registration edge as a disadvantage not easily overcome.
But Burns spokesperson Tad Rupp said GOPers have a strong chance to reclaim the district, and that his candidate will be able to avoid the dance between conservative GOPers and centrist independents.
"When you start looking at the values of voters and what they are taking into account, conservative Democrats are as upset with Washington as Republicans in the district," Rupp said. "If you look at the district, it's exactly the kind that [GOPers] can turn red."
GOP strategists expressed surprise at how difficult it was to drive up negatives against unknown candidates, and indeed, Reps. Scott Murphy (D-NY) and Bill Owens (D-NY) won their respective races against GOPers who had run before. Now, the GOP has their own businessman with the ability to raise money -- and to write himself a big check.
Now that Burns is the nominee, Rupp said, the campaign will begin conversations with the NRCC about how much the party can help out. Otherwise, Burns is willing to spend significantly on his own behalf, but "he's not going to be a self-funder," Rupp said.
In one important respect, the GOP has departed from its earlier special election gaffes. In both NY-20 and NY-23, the party anointed elected officials to run for open seats, while Dems picked businessmen with little name ID and good fundraising skills.
Of 3 competitive special elections likely to occur before the midterms, GOPers have expressed the least confidence in their ability to win back Murtha's seat. The combination of an already-uneven voter registration tally, 2 competitive Dem primaries expected to drive turnout and Critz's relations with key players in the district will make Burns' race a tough slog.
What may be tougher is the balancing act between appeals to independent voters and appeals to conservatives who may not let Burns on the ballot in Nov.
* -- A footnote: Winning a special election the same day one loses a primary isn't unheard of. Ex-Rep. Neil Abercrombie (D-HI) won a special election to replace Cecil Heftel (D) in '86, the same day he lost the general election nomination to Mufi Hannemann (D). Hannemann went on to lose the general election to Rep. Pat Saiki (R) that Nov.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
William Russell for Congress Fundraising Social & Rally
Fundraising Social & Rally
Groups to email Invitation:
Bill Russell
Indiana Tea Party Group Mario Alexander 724-479-3041
Lt. Colonel William Russell (USAR ret.)
Republican - 12th Congressional District
Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Fundraising Social
Come out & meet and mingle with 12th District Candidate
Lt. Colonel William Russell, State Representative Jeff Pyle.
Meet local radio duo Quinn & Rose from 6:00 - 6:45 PM.
Time: 5:00 PM - 6:45 PM
Location: River Forest Country Club
130 Clubhouse Drive
Cost: $50.00 per Person
$90.00 per Couple
Includes: Hors D’oeuvres / Refreshments / Dessert
(Cash Bar Available)
[Also includes VIP Parking & Seating at the Rally]
Deadline: R.S.V.P. by Friday, April 9
Emcees: Quinn & Rose (FM 104.7)
Speakers: State Representative Jeff Pyle, Candidate William Russell
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Laube Hall - Freeport
Freeport Community Park
Cost: Free to all who believe in Freedom and Liberty!
For Tickets to the Fundraising Social or Information, please call Mike at 724-831-9976 or email at
For More Information about Bill Russell go to; www.
Event Sponsored by: Citizens for Constitutional Conservatives
Town Hall Meeting
Monday, March 15, 2010
Burns! Not ready for prime time.
Sounds like Burns has to much time on his hands. Maybe Timothy needs to look for a job.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Tim Burns Supports a New National Sales Tax
Don't we pay enough in federal taxes. We can't afford Tim Burns plan to create a new national sales tax!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Burn's. Out of touch with the 12th District.
Tim Burns the Rhino.
Either Tim Burns doesn’t care about Republican causes or even worse, he’s just a RINO.
Tim Burns doesn’t vote consistently. If he can’t show up in crucial elections for our Republican candidates, he shouldn’t expect Republicans to show up for him. According to official records, Tim Burns didn’t vote in the 2000 Presidential election (Bush v. Gore), the 2002 General election (Rendell v. Fisher), or the 2004 Republican primary (Specter v. Toomey).
Tim Burns isn’t 100% committed to protecting life. In an interview with a conservative radio show, Burns said he wasn’t sure if he’d support a Constitutional Amendment that clearly says life begins at conception. Listen to the interview here:
Tim Burns hasn’t ever been there for our Republican candidates. The multi-millionaire has opened up his pocketbook for all but 1 Republican candidate over the years when he gave a measly $1,000 to Rick Santorum in 2006. Where was he for the countless other Republican candidates we’ve all been working our tails off for so many years now?
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Burns. Missing in Action.
The sudden passing of Congressman Jack Murtha leaves his district suddenly in play for both major parties. Names were immediately thrown in the ring, but how have each of these candidates been on the Second Amendment? A friend like Rep. Murtha.
Based on reports from political reporters, here are some of the names that have been dropped from each party and candidates who were previously planning a run at the seat:
Bill Russell – A rated
Sen. Kim Ward – A rated
Rep. Dave Reed – A rated
Rep. Jeff Pyle – A+ rated
Diana Irey – A rated
Tim Burns – unknown